
Willard G. Leenhouts Post 6


Contact via E-mail
Our post welcomes your input. Forward your comments, photos, and notices of special events or fundraisers to our email. Our post. at its sole discretion, will publish contributions we feel are merited:

Contact via Phone

Club Hours 
Monday thru Thursday from 12pm to 10:00pm
Friday and Saturday 12pm to 11:30pm
Sunday from 2pm to 7pm

Holiday Hours
New Year's Day - CLOSED
Easter - CLOSED
Memorial Day - Hours may vary
4th of July - CLOSED
Labor Day - CLOSED
Thanksgiving - CLOSED
Christmas - CLOSED


How to find us:
Take Chicago Drive to 112th Avenue, heading east, turn right onto Paw Paw Drive.
Left 1/4 mile to Willard G. Leenhouts Post 6.